A review by kirstysbookishworld
The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon


The thing about this series is that predictable in its cruelty. Paige is at such a different stage at the beginning of this book than where she is at the end. In strength and in character.

I do feel this is a lot of Repetitive behaviour, setting out the timeline for the rest of the Series. Getting our characters to particular places to make it easy to pin point who she’s talking about and what their situation is. It never got boring but I do wish there could have been more of the usual street scuffles. How Paige is still standing giving the number of blows to the head she’s suffered I don’t bloody know.

Paige has the courage of a lion, without any of the sense of danger. She runs head first into any and all dangerous situations with a resolve to help her friends and know the secrets no one dare know. It’s funny how brave and stupid still to blur together.

I love that the author didn’t chance the nature of Warden or Paige as characters to make their progression in the story work. They didn’t suddenly become love sick puppies or foolish in their understanding of the cruel world they live in.

I hate Jax. With my heart and soul. He’s vindictive and cruel and I think I know just who this bastard really is. Warden however is no warmer on the outside but he’s so much kinder. There’s not an ounce of cruelty in this man. There’s a honed warrior sure, but he doesn’t hurt anyone for want and I think that’s why Paige is so draw to him, he’s everything the world and what he is couldn’t rid him off.

I also will say I love that the fact that Paige always fights her own battles and understands just what will be lost if she gives in to meet demands.

I could gush and gush for hours instead Ill simply say I cannot wait to dive into the Song rising.