A review by sofia_reading
Just What Kind of Mother Are You? by Paula Daly


This book was only mildly suspenseful and certainly not fiendishly addictive, as claimed by the Guardian on the book's front cover.

It had enough appeal to keep me reading, but the ending was disappointing. An anti climax as everything just neatly feel into place. I had also started to suspect how it was going to end earlier than I imagine I was supposed to.

The characters weren't particularly appealing either. Lisa starts off as a character who would develop well. As a busy mum myself, her earlier dialogue and witty observations on life struck a chord and even made me laugh out loud. But as the story continued she sounded like a broken record! Yes, I get it. You're rushed off your feet. You're tired. You're feeling inadequate. I get it.

The writing style too was very simplistic. And there were far too many instances of the author going off on a tangent. Half way through the book I just started to skim read. That said I think the story had the potential to have been even better and I can imagine that Paula Daly will probably get better as she continues to write more books.