A review by ladynigelia
The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin


I read this all at once, starting too late at night. There were several places where it would have been fine to stop, where my drooping eyelids should have won the battle. But I kept reading, because I didn't want to step out of the world at all.
There is so much love in NK Jemisin's writing. She takes the hugely powerful and complicated political situations and everything can be traced back to love. Whether it's the small love of neighbor helping care for a market stall or the grand love that created the world, everything is rooted in love.
This line from the first page I think really sets the tone of the whole book.
“Oree," she would say whenever I sought to prove my independence, "it's all right to need help. All of us have things we can't do alone.”
It's a message that I fully endorse and know that is not easy for everyone to accept. And really most character development is in learning to be okay with needing someone's help or love.
I can't wait to see what we get in [b:The Kingdom of Gods|7923006|The Kingdom of Gods (The Inheritance Trilogy, #3)|N.K. Jemisin|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1313690257s/7923006.jpg|11228805].