A review by kittypaws9
Blood Red Road by Moira Young


“Blood Red Road” is a great coming-of-age dystopian tale with a strong female lead character.

Saba lives with her father, twin brother and sister in a barren wasteland. One day, a bad sandstorm and cloaked men come for a visit. They wreak havoc and end up kidnapping Lugh. Saba decides to take off on an epic quest to rescue him.

I really enjoy dystopian books, and I have to say that “Blood Red Road” delivers. Young is able to paint a clear picture of the world without taking 20 pages for each description.

A warning, this book is written in dialect. That normally doesn’t scare me off, but I thought it was worth noting since some people can’t stand it. While it is in dialect, I didn’t think it was over the top. It was easy to read, and after awhile you won’t really notice that much (at least I didn’t).

There are many little extras thrown into the book that I just loved. I want you to discover them for yourself, but one I just have to share — Saba has a pet/friend crow. Nero is one of my favorite characters from the book. Now I want one, too!

Favorite line: “Friends don’t owe, she says. Friends don’t repay.”

I don’t normally say this about today’s YA, but I felt like this book could have been broken up into at least two books. Some parts felt kind of rushed. The world was enough that I wanted to visit a little longer in some places, but wasn’t allowed to. I didn’t realize until I had finished, but on the title page it does say, “Dustlands Book One,” so maybe the next book will give me my fix.

I don’t have any siblings, so maybe I don’t know what I am talking about, but sometimes the brother-sister love thing was a little too much. I realize twins are supposed to have a super deep connection, but it rode the line a couple of times between grieving sister and “Flowers in the Attic” feelings. Maybe it was just me?

Final thought: A great, quick read that will leave you wanting more.