A review by willowisp79
Deviant Knight by Tracy Lorraine


I have to admit to have worries about this! How could it ever live up to Seb and Stella!!!!

Well...I needn't have worried! Emmie and Theo hold their own spectacularly!! - sparks fly between them from page one but rather than flames of passionate love its passionate hate.....or is it..? The son of a Mafia boss and the daughter of an MC Prez? There was always bound to be fireworks!!

They both seem to be fighting the attraction that is obvious to their friends, driving not only themselves up the wall and round the bend, but them aswell!

But we discover that Theo has been tasked with some kind of job that involves Emmie. What it includes exactly,  we're not told but it's clear that Theo is fighting his head and duty and his heart and attraction pretty much constantly. on. He'll one day be sitting where his father is  so he's going to be given jobs that test him....

Emmie is a spitfire who relishes putting theo in his place, and all their friends love to see it. Not many get away with doing it - being who he is! She's the da

"You have no idea what you've just done"

We all assume he just caved to his attraction to Emmie....but oh no....somehow it's much worse and when Emmie goes to confront him...? It gets even WORSE!!!

And of course that's when we have the cliffhanger!!!!! Noooooooo!!

I received a copy of the ebook in return for an honest review