A review by krisz
Billie's Kiss by Elizabeth Knox


My actual rating is more like 4.5 - definitely more than 4 but I wouldn't say there's no better book under the sun... still, it's among the best.
It is that kind of book that I actually want to keep putting away and aside and read it slowly, so it lasts longer... And I think I know the secret now! I devour those books where the writer takes the time to linger and describe things in delicate details: the people, their thoughts, the actions and movements, the surroundings. I really liked the kind of narrative where not the exact dialogue is given, but a "he asked her if she wanted to go with him and she said yes". That said, there is enough dialogue in the book, I found it balanced.
So why only 4.5?
Because I found the last chapters hurried. Whereas the book was flowing like a slow river until the point where Rory and Murdo accidentally meet Billie, here it blurred. The description was still detailed, but somehow I didn't see it clear, it wasn't unambigious what exactly happened. And what is more, the story lost its focus, the point where it headed. It felt haphazard after then.
I didn't understand how could Murdo and Billie be in love with each other. Even afterwards, it seemed to me that Billie wasn't in love at all. And also, Murdo was hit on the head and on the shoulders with a stone, had a broken collarbone - you just do not make love when you've been hit so badly!
It also wasn't clear why Billie decided not to got to the Tannoys. It was a complete surprise, not like her personality at all, to make such decisions on her own.

I'll search out other books by EK, because I'm sure they must be at least 4* :)