A review by kellyg_5013
The Other Man by Nicole French


Once again, Nicole has sucked me into her world from the very first chapter. Nina is just such a totally captivating heroine and Matthew.... well you just want to see him get that HEA. I am not even going to lie.... as I sit here and write this my head is still reeling and I am not even done processing this book, but like always Nicole has left us wanting more.... and more..... and more. I can not wait to find out what happens next! These 2, individually have completely intrigued me.... as a couple, they are have got me strapped in for the ride we are taken on. Be prepared.... Nicole French has a way of making you FEEL and you will want to shake her and ask her "WHY?!?!?!?" but I promise you.... she always brings around! I have been so in love with all of her books since the beginning and The Other Man is no different!