A review by abigailsbooks32
Off: Your Digital Detox for a Better Life by Tanya Goodin


Just a little disclaimer that I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Actually, Tanya's publicist was nice enough to send me physical copy since I had troubles downloading it. I am very, very thankful!! :)

I really like the layout of this book. I like how it discusses a bigger picture and then it'll go into some ideas of what you can change about your life. It helps to get those creative juices flowing. 

I think a lot of the points made are pretty common sense and things we already know, but it's a good reminder and some of the points were still new to me. I liked seeing the different points on things we could be doing to help us in our daily lives. There are some good points in this book on why we shouldn't be on our phone so much and Tanya does a great job at explaining how these things can help us. 

I definitely have a love hate relationship with technology because I love things like my blog and YouTube, but I also have moments where I think about getting rid of my Twitter and Instagram. Just because I feel like they get in the way and that I don't do a great job at managing them. However, this book helped me realize that it's my choice to get on these things and if I need a break all I have to do is turn my phone on airplane mode. It's so simple yet something I never thought to do.

I love how simple this book is but also how eyeopening it is. It definitely makes me want to change some of my habits and with that I hope it'll help me get even more reading done. All by making small tweaks to my life! :)

I recommend this very quick read to anyone who's looking to better their life. This book is great for everyone, because it helps to teach more control rather than having our devices control us. It's a very good read. :)