A review by krystlekouture
The Lost Years by Mary Higgins Clark


Why Did I read this?: I read a blurb in People magazine about this new book from Clark. I enjoy her other mysteries and the religious tones in this one reminded me of the Da Vinci Code which I really enjoyed.

What I loved: First of all, this was not at all like the Da Vinci code. If you found that book too controversial you may enjoy this one. It is about a letter Jesus wrote, not about any religious secrets or controversies. However, the mystery was still unique and engaging.

What I didn't like: I found Jonathan's friends (and the murder suspects) to be too similar. It was hard to tell who was who and what they were involved in. This made the mystery a little less exciting.

Would I recommend this: Yes! If you like mysteries especially ones that are not too gory you would probably enjoy this book.

Would I read more by this author?: Yes, in fact I have several of her books waiting on my bookshelf!