A review by sjj169
White Bodies by Jane Robins


A book about jacked up twins? When I'm supposed to be reading some October horror.

Callie and Tilda are those twins. Callie has always been the unassuming sister that blended into the background so that star Tilda could shine.
Callie has some issues though..when she was growing up she wanted some of Tilda's shine to come her way and so she devised ways for that to happen. Including swallowing some..ah well you'll have to read it.

You think that's weird? It gets even weirder when Tilda forgets to flush the toilet.

Which led up to a phone conversation with my bookish bestie where I was explaining how I feel about this book...

She started smelling the oven that she left on after that.

Back to the book, This wassss goooood! The sisters grow up and they both have some issues. Tilda has found her some man candy in the form of Felix. Felix is rich and good looking and has 'a touch' of the OCD. Callie knows something isn't kosher and sets out to stalk show concern for her sister.
After awhile she knows that she needs support..so she joins a internet support group for abused women and their helpers. Then she starts questioning everything.

I don't want to give away anymore than I probably already have. I liked this one enough that I almost five starred the sucker. The ending deducted a star for me but I just about hate all thriller endings so I'm a sucky judger. Not that it ever stops me.

Booksource: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. They didn't ask for a review but I'm assuming they wanted one. AND surprise surprise I LIKED it!