A review by readingwithana
Flawless by Jan Moran


(Review thanks to a free digital ARC from NetGalley)
After the tragic death of her parents when she was eighteen, Verena Valent has taken over her family's renowned skin care company. With clients among the most elite and wealthy of Beverly Hills, Verena lives a rather glamorous and successful life. She is planning to expand her company onto Asia, which will enable her to become even more successful. However, in the midst of this transition, the economy hits a downfall and Verena's company suffers. Everything is at risk, including her company.

When I first started reading this book, the world that the author created reminded me a lot of being immersed back into Gossip Girl. So much glamour and it makes you wish that you actually were part of that world. But since I am not really the time of person that spends her time at Beverly Hills and eating lavish dinners at fancy restaurants, I found it hard to connect with the story. I could not really relate to the characters although I did enjoy how it reminded me of Gossip Girl.

It was hard to like the main characters in the story. Verena seemed like she knew what she was doing but at the end, she seemed very inexperienced. In some ways, it did make sense since she had no experience running a business prior to the death of her parents. However, it's been almost ten years since she has been running the company and I would think she would have more guidance and expertise of what it takes to run a business. I feel her fault was being extremely careless and not being careful of who she trusted.

I think that is one of the things that bothered me the most of the novel. Verena was just not likeable, in my opinion. It was hard seeing how easily fooled she was. It seemed like she had no backbone and could not properly defend herself.

The romance of this novel was one of the redeeming parts of it. However, it kind of bothered me that Verena technically cheated on her boyfriend. I feel regardless of whether your partner is treating well or bad, you should not be cheating on them. It would have been better for her to cut ties with her boyfriend before she got involved with someone else. But I guess that just adds more to the plot and gives the reader an incentive to keep on reading to see who Verena decides to stay with.

Overall, this was an okay book. Not the best I have read but definitely not the worst.