A review by pinesandpages
That Time I Got Drunk And Saved A Demon by Kimberly Lemming


This was a lark! So fun. 

Things I enjoyed:
• Cinnamon’s loving and snarky family dynamics (can’t believe one of her brothers is named Cumin but fine)
• Cinnamon’s POV was HILARIOUS. So funny, so Black, I loved it, 
• The comparison of the demon control to slavery 
• this was unexpectedly all caps SPICY which I didn’t foresee so that was a pleasant surprise. 
• The quest and Fallon’s devotion 

Things I didn’t love (this list is very brief):
• Because this is a short book, some things were simply not described in detail. By which I mean the destruction of the first phylactery took maybe….2 pages? Cinnamon just went in and did it, boom no problem. Also the transitions between scenes were abrupt so if I didn’t pay 100% attention, 1 minute would go by and suddenly everyone is in an entirely new situation (usually a battle) in a different location with new characters. 
• When Fallon first explained the cause and later when Cinnamon did, somehow everyone just…..immediately believed them? Their society had believed something for decades, maybe centuries, and yet as soon as one person (a stranger, no less!) said “actually no,” everyone immediately believed them? And not only believed, but actively joined Fallon and Cinnamon’s crusade. 

I had a fantastic time reading this (tore through it in 2-3 days) and have already put the next book in the series on hold. 

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