A review by chateauofbooks
The Ringmaster's Daughter by Carly Schabowski


Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!!

"Circus people don't ask who you were before, or what god you believe in - when you join the circus, you are family, whatever your past."

What led me to read this book, apart from its cover, was the plot, because i particularly like stories that include a circus theme, also the fact that it's from the historical fiction genre, set in Paris, 1940.
Something I didn't know when I started reading it until I finished it was that, at the end of the book, Carly Schabowski says that she was inspired by a REAL story for the plot of this book, which was the one of an Austrian circus owner named Adolf Althoff and his wife, who they helped a family in distress during World War II. This fact was something that I found great and interesting, it gives more value to the book, which i think it would have been nice if it was added to the beginning of the book or when promoting it.

At first it's kinda slow and boring, in addition to being somewhat predictable that i thought about stopping reading it or putting it aside, but i felt curious about what happens next, so what entertained me and encouraged me to continue reading, something that I liked about this book is the mystery behind the circus and it's characters, and the curiosity to know what happened at the end.
Since the protagonist Michael, runs into the circus and it's people, it starts to get interesting, since they don't tell him much and he begins to suspect that something isn't normal, the circus travels and things happen as this happens, and we can learn more about these peculiar characters. I like how they open up to Michael, when he is finally to be trusted, the friendship between the characters. The relationship between Michael and Frieda is insta-love, but I liked it. The ending worried me, but it turned up to be nice and emotional. This book was entertaining, i recommend it for readers who like the genre of historical fiction and historical themes, also if you like books with a circus theme and some romance.

Aspects i didn't like:
-Slow at the beginning and some parts.
-Inta-love between Michael and Frieda.
-Some parts or aspects were kinda predictable, but it can pass since it's historical fiction?.

Aspects i did like:
-The characters
-Some funny parts in the dialogues
-Michael and Frieda
-The mystery and curiosity at first