A review by jimenezmadi
I Am The Cheese - 94060 by Robert Cormier


Adam transitions through the novel between his life before with his parents, and now where he is seeing Doctor Brint, or who he thinks is doctor. Adam is riding his bike in the off chapters towards his father, who he believes in the hospital, and he must deliver a certain package to him because Adam believes he needs it. As the story progresses, we see a switch between the Adam riding his bicycle, and the Adam that is being asked questions by the supposed doctor Brint in the other chapters. Readers begin to wonder who Brint is and why he needs Adam at all, or does he?

This novel was an easy read, very quick and simple, and the story was very interesting, in which readers are continually curious as to whether Adam is with the Brint or whether that's the future or what is actually occurring. There were no confusing words, though the story-line is certainly something to read quickly so as to be able to understand the entire story in one read. I would recommend this book to more high school aged students, as the ending of the story is a little more graphic for younger audiences.

Content Warnings: Psychiatric facility, family problems, murder/death