A review by discocrow
The Invisibles Vol. 3: Entropy in the UK, by Grant Morrison


Volume 3 of The Invisibles and the last volume before the new first issue and second installment.

What a blast!

More Jim Crow, a character I seriously adore. The leanings towards Voodoo are something I am particularly fond of in this series, along with the sheer opaque nature of it all. Teasing the reader with switches in time, perspective, and who knows what else - I'm loving it, though I can understand why [a:Grant Morrison|12732|Grant Morrison|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1311378308p2/12732.jpg] is an author that severely polarizes readers in general.

The evolution of Jack Frost is something that I'm terribly interested in. The bits and pieces that fill in the blanks of his time with Tom O'Bedlam are something I'd love to see further explored. While we're on the subject of fleshing out characters further, I am also terribly interested to see more of Ragged Robin. She's one of the characters I particularly love in this series, so imagine my join when she was paired up with Jim Crow during the exploration of the House of Fun. Great stuff there, seriously great.

The Lovecraftian leanings of the Archeons twigged the proper amount of disgust. I was also happy that the final issue in this volume, dealing with Mister 6, brought back the Monster of Glamis in uh.. some sort of form. How bloody disgusting was that tape? The mere thought of that is enough to turn my stomach. Thus: wonderful writing, wonderful plot, and a good gross-out factor that didn't quite overdo it for me.

I am incredibly happy that I picked up this series, and it has certainly gained a place upon my list of favorites. I'll be happy to read just about anything [a:Grant Morrison|12732|Grant Morrison|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1311378308p2/12732.jpg] has put out at this rate, and shall shamelessly stalk [a:David Katzman|793892|David David Katzman|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1295747426p2/793892.jpg]'s recommendations for the remainder of my life.

If that isn't appreciation and admiration, then what is?