A review by itsmeamethyst
How to Raise an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi


"The most critical part of raising an antiracist child is not what we do with our child. It is what we do with our society...Because nothing raises an antiracist child more effectively than an antiracist society."

I read this entire book in 24 hours, and while reading I was texting fellow parents about it. It is one that would benefit all caregivers to children. He mixes research, his childhood, and the birth story of his daughter who was born prematurely to expand on the principles outlined in [b:Antiracist Baby|52535437|Antiracist Baby|Ibram X. Kendi|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1575323604l/52535437._SX50_SY75_.jpg|73663092]. He touches on colorism, eugenics, ableism, neo-Nazi recruitment. Through it all he highlights racial equality and that what makes us equal is our shared humanity.

Kendi expands on four prominent forms of racial socialization throughout the book: Promotion of mistrust, cultural socialization, preparation for bias/racism, and color blindness (Note: the first and last are racist/harmful). Essentially, explaining racism to children in moments of recognition is far better than leaving children to explain it to themselves. Having books, toys, and games that reflect our child's complexion and culture as well as the rest of our multicultural world is necessary, though we also need conversations about how people aren't good or bad; people can do good or bad things (shared humanity).

"For many privileged caregivers, if the child excels, then it's due to the natural talent she inherited, not the unnatural privileges she inherited. For many deprived parents, if she falters, then she is to blame, not the unnatural deprivations she inherited. If privileged and deprived parents believe that their kids are better or worse by nature, then they are bound to impart these ideas to those same kids. That makes those kids vulnerable to racist ideas of inherent superiority.

My mindset is irreversibly changed since reading [b:How To Be an Antiracist|43459818|How To Be an Antiracist|Ibram X. Kendi|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|62549152], and I appreciate this supplemental book along with his other works.

Thank you to One World (an imprint of Random House), NetGalley, and especially Dr. Kendi for allowing me to review this book in exchange for an honest review before its release June 14, 2022.