A review by dazzle
Count The Petals Of The Moon Daisy by Martin Kirby


I absolutely adored the setting of this novel. I got this when I was down on the Norfolk coast, in Sheringham in fact (which is mentioned in the beginning few chapters) so it brings back some positive emotions when reading this.

I did enjoy the story itself as well, thankfully, but it wasn't my favourite that I've read. I preferred reading the diary entries from Anna's perspective to begin with, and overall, because I couldn't really connect with the character of Jess all that well. She was written in a way that only really scratched the surface of who she was, and I feel that way about the book. Although the plot was minimal and the book was more about character development I feel like there wasn't enough. A lot of things about the Jess' past were eluded to but never delved deeply into so you never got a true sense or understanding of why she was the way that she was. It's a shame because I think that, had the author gone into more detail, they could have explored her depression and alcoholism a lot more in a way that would have enabled me to empathise and understand her character more deeply.

Saying that I did enjoy the book as a whole. The description were beautiful and the mystery of Anna's life after her journal ended was intriguing and kept me interested in finishing the novel.

It ends quite open endedly - so if you don't enjoy that sort of ending I maybe wouldn't recommend it - but what Kirby suggests during the ending, of how the two characters connect, more so than just Jess reading Anna's diary, is interesting (albeit not explored indepth enough for me).