A review by kiriamarin
Dina's Book by Herbjørg Wassmo


This is a story about a orphan child, a child bride, a young widow , a passional woman ,rebel, ,full of rage ,vengeful person,all this is Dinah,a enigmatic and fascinant person born below a death star who follow her life like plague, poisoning her lost soul and touching her relationships,especially with men and her only son.

Set in rural Norway, in 1840, a idyllic and beautiful place and still more abundant of human creatures,displaced in time, a land of masters and serfs,nature vs people. Norwegian literature is so entangled with lyricism and nature,that transport us to a place almost magical but its real,dangerous,where hard people lives with hidden secrets all his lives,desire,ambition,dreams,
sweetness and violence. The writing prose remember me a bit of Hardy and Undset,with the description of places like a character essencial of the book,who demands and influences all the actions and decisions of persons. But hardly matches in quality of story with the fierceness of Dinah . This is so sad. No one specially womem should be confinated in "one place" all her life. This is a tale of madness,repressed feelings and childhood traumas who one carries for all her adult life .
Sometimes I dont understand nothing about Dinah's stranger behaviour although I fell everything about her emotions. A powerfull and bitter female character.