A review by bookedbyruqs
Vicious by V.E. Schwab



There’s this feeling in your gut, that takes over you heart where you feel settled and calm and satisfied because a story just sits with you that well.

This story is more than your average good vs evil. Hero vs villain. It’s a character study of morally grey characters and I can’t begin to explain to you how well Schwab dissects them.
Being wrapped up in their minds and this story was amazing. I couldn’t get enough and I’m so glad there’s another book.

This was woven like a masterpiece. I loved the non-linear timeline and the way everything came together..It was so clever!

I was catapulted into a world that did more than keep the promises of the blurb - A masterful, twisted tale of ambition, jealousy, betrayal, and superpowers, set in a near-future world - but also introduced me to a memorable cast of characters, an exciting plot, and some of the most addictive writing I've ever read.

Schwab's other books never appealed to me but I suddenly find myself wanting to see if all her writing is like this. Some books just have that spark. It's a compulsive readability in the writing style; it demands to be read; it demands that you keep turning pages like a crazy person. You can't really explain or define it, you can only point to examples of where it exists. And it exists here. Everything about this book draws you in: the characters, the plot, the way the book moves fluidly from past to present... everything. I can't tell you how much Vicious surprised me, and I can't find words to explain just how exciting, gripping and beautifully twisted it is.

Vicious falls into the adult/new adult category as opposed to young adult. To break it down simply, this is a story about superheroes and supervillains and how it isn't always so easy to tell which is which.

It's all about the ambitions, the betrayals and the jealousies of people who are far too clever for their own good. People who work together to obtain power but whose friendship is torn apart by said power. The characters - including the protagonist - all have dark sides hiding beneath their calm, collected exteriors. Perhaps this will put some readers off, but I was absolutely fascinated by the exploration of the fine line between the good guys and the bad guys.

The story is split between the present and ten years ago. The present tells of Victor, an escaped convict, who is determined to find his old friend-turned-enemy and deal out the revenge that is burning inside him. Flash back to ten years ago and Victor is a bright, young university student who is practically inseparable from his best friend - Eli. When Eli proposes a plan to discover whether EOs (Extra-Ordinaries) exist, he and Victor become partners in a scheme that will take them to hell and back and maybe, just maybe, grant them supernatural abilities. I adored the complex friendship between the two men that hovered somewhere between admiration and bitter jealousy and how this developed as they grew and became more obsessed with power and their own view of right and wrong.

A Tale of Two Sociopaths.
One is just ever so slightly more lovable than the other
The reality, of course, is that neither of these guys are heroes.
Victor and Eli were college roommates who experimented with a theory that Eli had about how Extra Ordinary people were created. Turns out he was right.
Due to some unfortunate factors, Victor's transformation doesn't go quite as smoothly as Eli's. And because of that little snafu, Victor ends up spending the better part of a decade in prison.
Where he plots his revenge!

The characters:

Eli Cardale (Ever):

↳ Eli, on the hand is a hypocritical, delusional, deranged, self-obsessed and the most “pick me” little psycho ever. He believes he has to kill other EOs (ExtraOrdinaries) because “god” told him to and god is always on his side. Eli believes his EO powers are safe bc he can’t harm anyone unlike the other EOs.. and he is a hero for “eliminating” them. No hun, you’re just delusional.

I didn’t like Eli which actually made him the perfect villain. *lol* The funny thing is that I’m pretty certain he’s more human and compassionate than Victor, yet this also seems to be the main reason why he’s worse than him. Am I already confusing you? XD Okay, let me put it this way, whilst Victor’s analytical mind controls his actions the same can’t be said about Eli. When the shit hits the fan Eli is following his gut feeling and because he believes he’s doing the right thing he goes through with it and never second guesses his decisions. I’d even go as far as to say that Eli is some sort of religious fanatic and that he sanctions his actions by his belief. And what is more human and more powerful than people’s beliefs? There are centuries of history that prove how many bad things have been done in the name of religion and Eli’s character is some kind of embodiment of it. He lives by his principles and this doesn’t only make him a very dangerous man, it also makes him very human. Eli is on a mission and everyone who interferes with it will be the next victim on his Ever-growing list.

Victor Vale:

↳ victor vale, my beloved mentally ill blondie a complete menace w questionable morals is officially my mate - victor doesn't see himself as a good person but he believes himself to be justified in his path for deserved revenge against his so called best friend who sent him to prison for 10 years. He is the most perfect anti-hero i’ve ever encountered!! I will always fall in love with sociopathic characters, but he rly is a softy especially when it comes to Sydney. People can see he only uses her for her powers but we all know he will always protect her <33

I absolutely ADORED AND LOVED Victor Vale!!! <333 What an intriguing and morally grey character! I just loved the way he thought! His analytical and cunning mind was everything I ever craved for and even more and I just couldn’t get enough of his character. I loved that he was so unapologetic and that he knew exactly who he was. Yes, he tried to blend in with the others, but he never claimed to be something that he wasn’t. If you ask me I’d say Victor is a psychopath, at least if you consider all the typical signs of it. Then again Eli certainly was one too. He might have been more empathic than Victor but whilst Vic knew what was expected of him, Eli ultimately seemed more inclined to ignore human morals than to follow them. I loved how Victor questioned his actions, how he paused to think if what he did was right or wrong, how he weighted both sides against each other and then eventually decided to do what his logic told him. He was vicious and brutal, but he could also be gentle and caring and boy, did I live for that moral ambiguity.


Poor little Sydney! I felt so sorry for her! She didn’t choose to have a power like that but she was hunted for it nevertheless. I found it interesting that she was so young but already asked herself the right questions. In some way that made her a good counterweight to Victor and Eli. I mean there is this powerful girl and she has no idea what she can do with her abilities or what she’s capable of. She was a very strong character though and I loved her for her defiance. <3 It takes guts to live with a man like Victor and she might have questioned his actions but she was never afraid of him. XD

MITCH. I loved that dude.


Now Serena was a character that caused me to think long and hard as well. On the one hand I liked her for standing up to Eli by charming him to do her will, and on the other hand I disliked her for helping him to find and eliminate his targets. If she was so good at compelling people why didn’t she try to stop Eli for good? She played him, yet at the same time she did what he wanted her to do. Why? Did she really think that this was the only way to save her own skin? Did she truly believe that EO’s are dangerous and that they deserve to die? Her character posed so many questions and to my chagrin none of them were answered. >_< She definitely had one of the best scenes in this book though. The moment Victor killed her and quoted Ulysses was priceless!! <3

The relationships & ships:

Victor & Eli:

Ohh those two gave me a lot to wonder about. I mean Vic was betrayed by the person he loved and to make it even worse Eli didn’t even bother to hear him out. He didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt, no, he ratted him out to the police the moment he knew his girlfriend had died. It was like Eli always expected Victor to go off the rails and only waited for an opportunity to turn on him. Funnily enough it turned out that Eli was the one that actually went off the rails in the end. After all Eli’s girlfriend was the only person Victor killed and this was by accident and not intentional. The same certainly couldn’t be said for Eli though. He killed his victims on purpose and went after them with a vengeance. Sure, once Victor got out of prison his death tally went up as well, he never killed without a purpose or reason though. Which is the main difference between those two. Victor always considered the pros and cons while Eli acted as judge and executioner and didn’t even give his victims a chance to defend themselves, let alone to speak. Now that Eli is in prison I can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen next. I guess I’ll find out once I get my hands on a copy of “Vengeful”. ;-P

Sydney & Victor:

Their relationship was so precious! <3 Victor became some sort of father figure for Sydney and even though she knew that he had a bad moral compass she still trusted him and felt safe with Victor. I loved that he was always so honest with her and didn’t even try to sugar-coat things. He gave her room to come to her own conclusions and he provided a safe environment to live in. In some way that made him an amazing father even though he certainly wasn’t the best choice to raise a kid like her. Still, those two worked because Sydney acted as some sort of conscience for him and that ultimately made him a better person. XD I wonder if their relationship is going to change after she brought him back from the dead and if yes in which direction it’s going to head. Oh and I just realized that Vic joined Eli in not being able to age. ;-)

Serena & Eli:

Serena and Eli had one of the most abusive relationships I ever witnessed. They both abused each other in equal measure and this was weirdly fascinating. Their dynamic was crazy and they both didn’t hesitate to use their powers in order to get what they wanted. I think in some way they even loved each other, yet they both couldn’t change the way they were. Eli craved to kill Serena but was fascinated by her and Serena wanted to stay alive but couldn’t seem to be able to turn away from Eli. What a stalemate.

There’s a certain depth to her characters you never actually see on the pages, but it’s all there, in their actions, the way they behave. In the way they talk and interact with each other. There’s an entire background story and we get it piece by piece, little by little, but never all of it and to say I was captivated by this would be the understatement of the century.

This book will have you questioning who the real villain is. You can understand why every character has a clear motivation on why they do fucked up things by the end of the book. I rly liked the concept of this book, the whole dying and getting powers after experiencing a near death experience was very interesting to read about. I also loved the found family aspect between victor, Mitch, Sydney and Dol. This was a very compelling story. Neither of the main characters are good people. That is what made this book sm more better bc you don’t know who you are supposed to be rooting for.


- The theme of betrayal, hate, and revenge, as promised, were all pretty much on this book. VE Schwab does it so well.
- The writing. VE Schwab really knows how to write an engrossing story.
- The minor charcters have a lot more to do than just be there for the sake of them being there. There were a few times that they were tasked to do something important to move the plot along, which is very rare that secondary characters are allowed to do.
- It's a story about villains. Despite one claiming to be a hero, both of them are pretty much not the type of people you'd want to be associated with. There are plenty of books out there with morally good characters, it’s about time for the bad ones to take center stage.
- Despite this book being told in a non-linear way, you can still see how each scene is made for something. There wasn't any scenes that were out of place.
- The book was like an entire argument on Philosophy. If something is bad and you can do something about it, do you take matters into your own hands or do you let justice take its course? There are all sorts of moral questions sprinkled throughout this book. I loved that.
- I liked how she explained the concept of EOS. Technically, they're like mutants, like the X-men. When Eli and Victor were talking about their theory on how these beings came to be, it made a whole lot of sense to me.


I loved this and I could kick myself for not reading it sooner! “Vicious” was the amazing start of a compelling story and I can’t wait to read its sequel “Vengeful”. Morally grey characters, a captivating storyline and the omnipresent question of what is right and what is wrong made this a truly thrilling journey! I don’t know about you, but I want more! ;-)

It's just a wild and addictive story with no throwaway characters. Everyone in the book has their own problems to face, especially when it comes to some of the moral struggles that go with having godlike powers.

The atmosphere is heavy, you can feel it from the beginning and it just persists through the whole book. It is macabre and dark and evil and a bit psycho but that’s the whole point of it.

I love the way the world is built to look like our real world, but it is completely twisted and reinvented so that we live in something we think we know but we actually don’t because it is completely new and strange – a possible near-future, if you will. There is some sort of fake-security about this world.

The storyline tends to jump from one time to another – in present, two days earlier, one week earlier, ten years earlier etc. etc. The chapters and the time switches alternates and it feels like they are having a conversation that you must pay attention to in order to discover all the little puzzle pieces and put them together to form the whole picture.
It also breaks the writing style routine a bit, makes it funkier.

The showdown/End: Great conclusion to the great book...plot twists upon plot twists....Mitchs gun being empty...saving Syndey at the nick of time....dying in the handa of Eli so he can be arrested....it couldnt have ended any other Way and that ending!!!!! That scene...soo cool..


1. Morally ambiguous characters.
2. It's a story about Superheroes - technically.
3. Who doesn't love a good revenge story?

Coolest power: Serena for sure...with her power u can use other people's powers.

trigger warnings: cemeteries, dead bodies, gun violence and gunshot wounds, alcohol and drug use, multiple suicide attempts, overdose, mention of past domestic abuse, drowning, death, self-harm (cutting), absent parents, injured/dying/dead dog (don't worry, the dog ends up being okay), torture, murder (lots of it).