A review by scostner
Ratscalibur by Josh Lieb


"The Spork in the Scone!" "He's drawn the Spork from the Scone!" And that's how Joey becomes a hero. Okay, maybe the explanation should start a little earlier than that event. Joey is a boy who has just moved into the city with his mother, because she is starting a new job. So far, he is not very impressed with the garbage on the sidewalks and the bars on the apartment windows. His Uncle Patrick comes to visit and brings Joey a pet rat. What they don't realize is that the rat is actually Gondorff the Gray, a powerful ragician who turns Joey into a rat and sends him on a mission.

It seems that -agic exists among many of the species on Earth. Mankind has magic and magicians. Rats have ragic and ragicians. Squirrels have squagic and squagicians. You get the idea. Gondorff sends Joey back to the kingdom of Ravalon with a message for King Uther that his quest to reach Squirrelin and ask for his aid against the evil Salaman has failed. And when Joey actually reaches the court, no one will listen to him until he draws Ratscalibur.

So, if you enjoy stories like Redwall, Warriors, or The Tale of Despereaux, or the idea of Camelot retold with rats sounds entertaining, then you should read this book. I had fun just looking for all the names from other famous stories that showed up in slightly different versions like Gondorff, Ratscalibur, Parsifur, etc. This is a great middle grades fantasy adventure with plenty of action, humor, and pizza crusts.

I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.