A review by booksuperpower
The Amalfitano's Bold Abduction by Jennifer Blake


The Amalfitano's Bold Abduction is a December 2013 Steel Magnolia Press publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the author/publisher.

Dana, a police officer, is on vacation with her two friends in Italy. After an accident in her rental car, she is nearly ran over and saves a cat in the process. The cat is with Andrea, a hot Italian, also involved in the traffic accident. When Dana's rental car is totaled, Andrea steps in and before she knows what is happening, Dana has been loaded into a helicopter and spirited away to Andrea's private island. Dana is furious when she realizes she has been kidnapped, and Andrea's calm explanation that he hasn't kidnapped her, just abducted her, for her own safety. It seems the cat, and Andrea's sister and her estranged husband were at the heart of the accident and now Andrea fears Dana could be at risk until he can contact his sister and get to the bottom of things.
The island is beautiful, but far from safe and they come under attack once again. But, that isn't the only danger Dana faces. Andrea is making it very hard for her to resist him and Dana's heart could be in danger most of all.
But, is Andrea's sister's hot headed husband really behind the attacks?

This contemporary romance is like something you have most likely daydreamed about in one way or another at some time. A tall, dark, and handsome Italian with an accent, a private island? Ummm- yeah!
This was a really fun story! I loved the cat in the story and Andrea was so sweet to Dana. Her vacation may not have turned out the way she planned, but I don't think was too upset with the way things turned out.
Overall this one gets an A.