A review by paperbackpocket_
City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn


3.5 stars, rounded up.

This was one of my most anticipated ARC reads, after reading and loving City of Shattered Light earlier this year. Unfortunately, however, I think this book fell into some common sequel pitfalls. It was still a good book, but to me didn't measure up to the first one.

I loved Asa, and Ty's POV was really interesting. I also liked the plot twist and the matriarch competitions. What I DIDN'T like was... Riven. I loved her in the first book, but honestly she was super annoying in this one. She was selfish, woe-is-me I'm dying, rash, and abrasive. It felt like any character development she had in the first one just... dissipated. She does get called out on this later in the book but to me, it wasn't enough, and her friends are way too forgiving.

I almost gave this 4 stars because of the plot and Asa and Ty, but I'm realizing I'm too nice in some of my recent reviews and so I'm gonna go with my heart on this one.