A review by its_tara
Birth of a Killer by Darren Shan


Having been a massive fan of the original Darren Shan saga, hearing the story of 'where it all started' with the story of Larte Crepsley really appealed to me. Basically, this book outlines the basics of Larten's life before he became a vampire, and then some of the events afterward - including how he met Mr Tall, where the name of his alias, Vur Horsten, came from, and his first meetings with Mr Tiny.

Shan's writing style is much the same as it was in the original saga, and indeed in The Demonata series, of which I have read one book. I found it enjoyable, and found it to be fairly light reading for me - it lasted one day (in which I had a lot of spare time) and a train journey. However, this isn't a complaint - it's actually a compliment, given how quickly I read it!

This kindle edition of the book is well done, and had I had time, I would have picked up the paperback instead, but the edition was well done and well formatted, so top marks for that.

I'd highly reccomend this to anyone who enjoyed the Darren Shan saga.