A review by saschadarlington
A Highlander in a Pickup: A Highland, Georgia Novel by Laura Trentham


4 1/2

While I enjoyed the first novel in Highland, Georgia series, A Highlander Walks into a Bar, I loved A Highlander in a Pickup and the reason is because of the matching of spunky dance instructor, Anna, and the taciturn, brick-house of a Scot, Iain.

You know how when you read a romance with an unlikely pairing and they stay unlikely even to the end and you’re so filled with incredulity as to how they got together and why they think they might stay together? A Highlander in a Pickup is by no means that. From their initial meeting, Anna and Iain are combustible, but they’re also sweet because they both have hearts of gold beneath prickly exteriors.

read more: https://saschadarlington.me/2020/02/16/review-of-a-highlander-in-a-pickup-truck/#.XkrIy2hKhPY