A review by amandaforgy
Audacious by Beth Moore


Beth Moore has a wonderful way of drawing the reader to Jesus. The segment below hit home for me.
"Any relationship that ultimately and absolutely cannot withstand your audacious love for Jesus will almost certainly be a snare to you. If you remain strongly influenced by it, it will trip you up over and over, fog your spiritual vision, cloud your mind with confusion, and keep you in a perpetual state of frustration. Any profoundly controlling relationship that curtails your right to love Jesus Christ with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength could cost you your calling. It could suck the air out of the lungs of the life you were born to live. If your closest friends are opposed to your audacious pursuit of Jesus, add some new ones who share it. If you’re willing to look beyond your usual circle but still can’t find them, ask God to round them up and bring them your way. Keep your eyes wide open. Resist the thought that they need to look or act a certain way or be a specific age or color. This isn’t high school. Well, unless it is. If you’re a high school student and you’ve stuck with this book all this time, you’ve just won my heart forever. Please find a way to let me know. Regardless of your age, ask Jesus to bring people along who stir you up to love Him, chase after Him, and bask in Him in a way you wouldn’t have without them."

I saved that to my notes so I can go back and read that as I need to.

Highly recommend reading this and I will be reading more of Beth Moore in the future.