A review by katytron
Avengers Disassembled: Captain America by Robert Kirkman, Scot Eaton


Any insightful review I had for this story was washed away by the ridiculousness of Diamondback's costume. Why do I keep reading comic books when there is such a clear "no girls allowed" sign on them?! The first time she appeared on panel, Rachel looked like she was sitting naked on Cap's stairs, and because I wasn't at all familiar with her character, in a lot of the 'action' scenes I just couldn't fucking figure out what ridiculous contortionist position they were trying to put her body in. I would be staring at a panel full of just miscellaneous flesh and suit, awkwardly trying to find the underlying skeletal structure to see if it was even remotely humanoid.

Anyway, always nice to see the Red Skull get cocky and hear about the inner workings of Cap's financial woes when it comes to renovations and repairs.