A review by elylibrarysec
Braving the Elements, A Medieval Fantasy Anthology by Terri Rochenski


Dolan is a young man who loves his mother so much and he would do just about anything for her. It’s tough to see what he has to deal with. Bullies always seem to be around but at least we are finally treating them differently.

It wasn’t until I walked away from this first story that I had my duh moment. It’s at that point that I figure out how this book fits into the title of the anthology. I hope it doesn’t take you as long as it did me.

You can consider these stories as teasers that leave you wanting more. Like Mist Weaver, the story left me wondering what became of Dolan. This collection is a great way to discover new authors and new writing styles. It was a great reminder of what I love about fantasies. Just like some other genres, your imagination and that of the authors can soar. There’s no one there to say that a certain thing didn’t happen because the only place it exists is in the author’s mind.

Maybe you want to read someone new. I had that here and if not for this group of stories I may never have read these authors at all. You will never have a hard time finding a stopping point because the stories are short and don’t take long to read. If you have very little time in your day, you have five stories for five days. They are stories that you may find that you want to read more than once. But they will all leave you and your imagination satisfied.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.