A review by snowelf
Blue Sky by Audrey Wood


We both really liked this one (my 3 year old and me). I've come across so many books recently with exceptional illustrations, that I keep seeking them out, hungry for more. We're quite fond of other [a:Audrey Wood|3368|Audrey Wood|http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66.jpg] books, such as [b:Quick as a Cricket|815263|Quick as a Cricket|Audrey Wood|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1178649549s/815263.jpg|1611721], so when I saw Blue Sky displayed in the "New" shelf at the library I grabbed it. The text is super simple, two words per page spread. But these simple descriptions of sky take you through a whole day of events and atmosphere, and the illustrations are simply beautiful. This is a feel-good book!