A review by dlberglund
Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States by Samantha Allen


When I put this on hold at the library, I mistakenly thought it was a book of fictional stories, not a book of journalism stories. But I decided that perhaps I needed to read the non-fiction about Red State America more than the fiction that might have been.
Journalist Samantha Allen goes on a 4000 mile roadtrip to investigate the small towns in the Midwest and South that hold important oasis communities for queer folks. I think I might have been exactly the person to read this book-- a person with NE and NW biases, who back-handedly insults many states as places I could never possibly live because, you know, there's nobody gay there. I'm the person who needed to hear about the coffeehouses and gay bars and Family communities and state Capitol rallies by people for whom each legislative fight really matters. I appreciated getting a new perspective. Although I question some of Samantha's food choices (she mentions eating at Cracker Barrel and Chick Fil A--twice!!-- and I wonder how she justifies giving them her money when they fund some of the things her rural advocates are fighting against!), I thought there was just enough "buddy road trip" and personal back story in the book to balance out some of the more data-driven sections. I also definitely appreciated the photos of so many of the people and places she talks about in the different chapters.