A review by pottersauce
Stuck-Up Suit by Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland

Did not finish book. Stopped at 83%.
DNF. I just didn't like this book and I am going to try to express why that was. 

The narrators were fine. But I felt the word 'appreciate' was used too much for the woman's part because the narrator said 'apprciate' or something.

What got me was the illogical way in which the main character, mostly the woman, of this story thought and acted. 

The story started off rough with Saraya finding his phone and proceeding to keep it for at least a full day when she had the opportunity to return it, as well as calling a random contact and texting one too. I just kept wondering why the heck she was doing this. I've found out I dislike main characters who are too far from lawful good. This felt chaotic and maybe not evil but definitely not honest or good. I was very surprised her messing with the phone didn't become a stress point later. He didn't seem bothered or to question why she hung onto it for that long. 

When she finally gave the phone back, he wouldn't open the door to his office so she took photos of her boobs, butt, and legs (how did she get sexy ones without help or a mirror? Did she do this in front of the receptionist who followed her?) And these photos are the only reason he was interested in her at first, so that felt very shallow. Though they did text some at first, it was mostly him just asking her to have sex with him. She refused for a while. I felt the physical chemistry they had at some points but the emotional bond wasn't there for me.

Many illogical choices later... (at one point, instead of communicating via words, Saraya says she's not dying the tips of her hair a different color because she didn't want to worry Graham. Each color means something and I'm thinking...just choose a non-bad color or a different one and explain you like to change it a lot?? USE YOUR WORDS) ...She decides it's better that she fake an affair so he'll break up with her. AFTER HE GOT A TATTOO WITH HER NAME ON IT. I'm 83% through the book with an hour and a half more audiobook left. I assume that she successfully is able to make him break up with her but then he finds out it's all a ruse and they end up happily ever after. I just don't care enough to listen to that 1.5 hours to find out.

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