A review by sunshine169
Belly Up by Eva Darrows


Sara (Serendipity) is a 17 yr old girl with good grades that made a poor drunken decision with a cute boy names Jack which resulted a unplanned pregnancy.

My favorite characters had to be the mom and grandmother. I see pieces of myself in Sara's mom!

Leaf, the boy who becomes Sara's boyfriend, is so sweet and amazing. I just loved his attentiveness and his love for cooking which reminded me of my own husband.

Sara's best friend Devi was pretty awesome and helped her throughout Sara's whole journey.

I am knocking a star off because yea it all felt like a dream. The only person to get angry was Jack's father. Everyone else took it in stride and it just didn't seem realistic for teenage pregnancy but if it was for anyone reading this that is amazing.

I had absolutely NO PROBLEM with everyone in the book basically being a form of representation but it really did feel like after a while the author was trying to make sure she was checking off a list. I enjoyed it though because that is real life. Everyone around you is different and that was represented in this book to the fullest extent.

I would like to find out more about Sara after becoming a mom. Does she eventually go to college? Inquiring minds need to know!

Thank you to Netgalley and Inkyard Press for an earc of this book in return for an honest review. It gets a thumbs up from me!