A review by samhain
Batman #38 by Tim Sale, Tom King, Travis Moore, Dave Stewart, Giulia Brusco


Huuum Goodreads, you might want to update this, what I just read had nothing to do with a cute story featuring Bruce and Diana... There's nothing like going into a Batman story expecting it to be a cute filler, and then getting hit by all the feels and all the darkness and horror that is fucking Gotham. How am I supposed to sleep now that this kid's face in the last panels is seared into my brain? King, if you return to the cuteness, I promise I'll never again say it's boring!

Kidding, I loved it. I mean, it was really dark and fucked up, but the anti-parallels were super interesting, and all that guilt falling onto Bruce (although it's not his fault, we all know the guy won't sleep for a very long time after this) as he tried his hardest to save both that kid and his past self, man I can't believe some people saw it as just Gordon asking Bruce to help someone with a similar past as him. It was so much more, and even though I know it's just a filler, a part of me will still be bitter if this is never brought up again. I want to see the aftermath, I want to watch as Bruce tries to heal the kid and has to live with the knowledge that both Batman (with the Joker) and actual Bruce somehow created monsters. For all I talk about wanting Bruce to be happy and safe, Batman is never more interesting, and complex, and relatable, than when he's at the bottom of the pit.