A review by geekxgirl
Knight of Pleasure by Margaret Mallory


1.5/2 Stars

Well, it got off to an interesting start...but don't they all?

The hero Stephen was just as likeable as he was as a youth in the first book. And generally he never did anything to make me question his character or intelligence.

The heroine Isobel, however... what a trial she was. She seemed a fine heroine in the first chapters. Especially the first interactions with Stephen. But somewhere along the way we lose whatever potential we saw building at the beginning. She ended up being a silly indecisive and stubborn idiot.

I truly did not like her. With the melodrama and plot devices happening to keep Stephen and Isobel apart it felt a little bit like the author was trying too hard. Nevermore so than when Isobel outright refuses Stephens marriage proposal not once but twice. And each time she did refuse him she had the absolute dumbest reasons. She did it out of pure stubbornness and idiocy. She claimed to love Stephen but absolutely refused the idea he could care for her, but more so that he could be a faithful husband. That, to some degree I understood because Stephen being a ladies man was made to be part of his personality it was mentioned so frequently. But it was hardly the truth and I felt bad that she judged Stephen so unfairly when she had any opportunities to see him for his kind character and his caring heart.

Isobel was a fool with apparent abandonment issues that aren't remotely addressed until it's convenient to the plot to use them as a device to cause drama between the main couple.

This book was TRYING. It had plenty potential in the first half. I was very interested to see where it went. But things unraveled fast and before I knew it I was reading a completely unlikeable heroine who was behaving stupidly and wallowing in her poor decisions. The bad guy and intrigue plot was so predictable it was hardly worth seeing play out. And the amount of plot holes that left me with more questions than I could ask was astounding.

Poor Stephen deserved someone better than Isobel.