A review by sc104906
A Season for Fireflies by Rebecca Maizel


Penny's mother is an alcoholic and her issues are now beginning to become apparent to world outside of the family. Her mother looses a prestigious job because of the drinking. When Penny tries to get her mother to shape up, she flies off of the handle and blames her drinking on Penny (who she says is overly dramatic and needed--I kinda agree, but you don't tell you kid that or blame someone else for your own poor choices). Penny taking this drunken rage to heart, quits the play and gives up her old friends. She falls in with the popular crowd and tries to become something her mother will approve of (which is never going to happen because her mother is a sick woman and totally not in the head space to provide any serious interaction with her daughter. Flash forward a year, everything has changed, but then Penny gets hit by lightning and looses her memories of the last year. She can't figure out how she got from point A, last year, to point B, this year. Penny tries to reach out to her old friends, new friends be darned.

Penny was very nearly too over-dramatic for me. I just couldn't handle her angst. The love story was standard and it was an easy read, but I just could not get on the Penny train.