A review by ajafrost
Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart


I read Shuggie in three hours during a sleepless night (in retrospect, it probably exacerbated my insomnia rather than curing it.) This novel is relentless.

The setting and situation—a crowded tenement apartment in 1980s Glasgow—is bleak when Shuggie begins, and things get bleaker. And bleaker. And bleaker.

If you can stand the emotional flagellation, Shuggie will reward you. The characterization is excellent; I understood each character's motivations, weaknesses, and quirks in sometimes painful clarity. The writing is intentional and strangely beautiful—strangely because so often, what's being described is ugly. There's an intimacy with poverty and addiction that rings true.

I agree with other reviewers: Shuggie isn't a great pick if you're struggling. But if you can bear it, you'll fall in love with this book.