A review by beckiebookworm1974
The Soulweaver by Heidi Catherine


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Release date: Jan 19, 2018
Arc Book Review.

So, I'm not really having much luck at the moment in regards to my reading material.
Here we have another Arc I was so looking forward to only to be let down again in my expectations.
I think I may need to lower them slightly, expectations that is, this is beginning to be a bit of a pattern for me lately.
So The Soulweaver by Heidi Catherine is a lyrical narrative that for me fell slightly too much on the wordy and preachy side of the fence.
The soulweaver basically tells the story of the life and death of Hannah/Lin and how all things are interwoven with rebirth, reincarnation and growth ultimately leading to a higher plane of enlightenment.
Reinier/Lin/Hannah/Mathew/Shen each of these has a role to play in the bigger picture that this tale is striving for.
So I wish I could say I loved this, But I really didn't it was a bit of a chore to finish if I'm honest and I was really starting to skim near the end.
So, This was so going to be a one-star all the way then Soulweaver kinda side-swiped me from the left-field.
Throwing in that mega emotional ending and I've got to admit I kinda got a bit emotional and had myself a good old cry over it, I'm such a girl.
So yeh that weepfest was enough to pull it out of the bag for me and It got that extra star on the merits of my girly tears.
That aside, my main issue with this is I felt at times that I wasn't reading a story but receiving a sermon. And even know religion itself is never outright mentioned.
There was enough of the Mother /Soulweaver and Creator/Author and the sin of suicide to make you think it was on the cusp sitting there, it was the elephant in the room just a different terminology was ultimately used.
In conclusion, this just really wasn't for me.
Thank You to Netgalley, the publisher and the Author for proving me with an ARC of Soulweaver of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm