A review by epearly
Civil War by Mark Millar


First of all, this story does a great job of making you see both sides of the argument presented, so you're never left hating anyone (except Maria Hill. For some reason I just hated her in this and that made me sad). And the argument is a valid one about accountability. The art style was probably my favorite part, it was relaxed and smooth. But now on to the parts I didn't like so much.
My biggest issue was I couldn't understand why the government could have the heroes secret identities on file, but keep them top secret so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. If a hero needed to be reprimanded, then they could do so in private. The other thing was that the big explosion in the beginning that started all of this wasn't even the fault of the sub-par heroes. It was a super-villian, and the government can't keep tabs on them. So I felt that all the public unrest in this story was targeted at the wrong people. I suppose I'm just a traditionalist and prefer classic superheroes. I'm a little like Cap that way.
In the end, this definitely left me heartbroken, but not necessarily in the good way. It just didn't have that "wow" factor to bump it up to four or five stars. I am really looking forward to the movie, though, because I think the setup will be completely different.