A review by thenovelbook
Quicksand by Gigi Pandian


VERY evocative descriptions of some pretty impressive French sites, such as Mont St. Michel, the Louvre, Les Machines de L’Île. In fact, in Gigi Pandian's books I enjoy the sense of history and the amazing locations more than the plot itself, although the treasure always ends up being something amazing, which if it were real would have museums trampling each other to get ownership. It's always something based on or inspired by real, though perhaps obscure, history. So by the end you feel slightly more educated. :)

The author has a great sense of place. Her strength is the way her characters move around a location and make it their own, which easily brings the scene to life.

The plot itself begins with an Ocean's 12-style heist at the Louvre that seems simple but runs deep. Jaya and her sort-of boyfriend then career around France trying to figure out what's going to happen next. A lot of the scenes would translate well to a movie...