A review by cacia
Dragons Love Tacos 2: The Sequel by Adam Rubin


2.5 stars

This book is like the personification of a four-year-old boy's imagination. It's wacky and creative, with a puerile sense of humor, only tenuous ties to reality, and plenty of randomness. It's almost cute, but like a preschooler, it has left the baby stage where anything is adorable but it doesn't yet have the capacity for intentional humor that is actually funny. If a kid told you a knock-knock joke that didn't make sense, you'd probably laugh anyway, and you might think the kid was cute, but you wouldn't tell the joke to one of your friends. This book is like that. It'll probably be a hit with the preschool set, and parents might get a kick out of reading it once, but it won't be one of those books that parents will love too and actually want to read over and over.