A review by spaceforcewife21
Sparring Partners by John Grisham


I think I have outgrown John Grisham. I loved his books through most of my teen and early 20s. Somewhere along the line I found that his books just lost their appeal. However, every once and a while he will write something that sounds interesting and I will pick it up to see if I can enjoy them like I used to. I have yet to find a book of his that meets that level of enjoyment that I used to have.

While I didn't find the book bad as a whole, I just found that I had difficulty picking the book up. I found that I was looking between my book and my phone and most nights the phone won, not a good sign for a book. The first story was entertaining in the beginning. However, the ending was awful. It felt like an incomplete story that he just couldn't make into a book so he took what he had and called it a short story. The second story was probably the best in my opinion. You can tell John Grisham has strong feelings about the death penalty and they really come out in this story. So much so that the story felt manipulative in a way. That being said, this short story actually felt more complete and had emotion. The third story I just couldn't get into. All the characters were despicable and the story again felt like an incomplete story. I had a really difficult time finishing that story even though it was short.

I gave it 2*. The middle story saved the book from a 1* rating.