A review by theshenners
Perfect World, Volume 10 by Rie Aruga


I can't relate to the experience of losing a pregnancy but it felt really well-portrayed here. I'm glad Tsugumi has a support network though.

I was worried about how adoption as an option for having a child would be treated, but it actually seemed positive on the whole. I did not know what the adoption system in Japan was like before reading this, and it surprised me just how restrictive it is. I know blood ties are considered very important in much of East Asia, but not being able to adopt a kid with no blood relation that's older than 5 years old seems pretty extreme to me.

Other thoughts:
It's weird to think that Tsugumi's around the same age as me (a little bit younger, I think? 27? I remember her being 26 at the beginning, and I don't think more than 2 years have passed) but is going through stuff with marriage and pregnancy and motherhood like in my mind she seems older lol.