A review by cocktailsandbooks1
Back to You, by Lauren Dane


Karen's Thoughts

BACK TO YOU is an intoxicating, story about a second chance at love. Kelly has been divorced from Vaughan, a famous rock and roll star for eight years and they have two young daughters together.  She has just accepted a marriage proposal from Ross, a solid and steady guy who is the opposite of Vaughan.  Although Kelly still loves Vaughan, she knows things will never work out between them and with Ross she can have a stable life, which is something she never had with Vaughan.  When Vaughan discovers Kelly is engaged, he is slapped in the face with reality and realizes this is his last chance to win her back.  An emergency arises and Vaughan and Kelly have to rush their daughter to the hospital.  They are forced to spend time together and Vaughan takes advantage of this opportunity to get close to Kelly.

I like the man Vaughan is now, although I probably wouldn’t have liked him eight years ago.  He has finally matured and realizes what is important to him.  He knows Kelly is the only woman he has ever loved and he wants her back in his life.  He also loves his daughters and is a caring and protective dad. Vaughan has to work hard to win Kelly’s trust and show her he has matured and is ready to take on the responsibility of a family full time. I love how devoted Vaughan is to Kelly and his daughters.  He will do whatever it takes to get his family back.

Kelly is smart, beautiful and works hard to be a successful role model for her daughters. She is also a wonderful mother and her daughters always come first.  She doesn’t trust Vaughan because he broke her heart and she is afraid to let him in again and I can’t really blame her.

I loved everything about this delightful story and Lauren Dane is one of my favorite authors.  This story flowed well and the characters are realistic and have depth. Vaughan and Kelly have a passionate relationship and plenty of chemistry whenever they are together.  They are easy to like and I was rooting for them to work through all their issues and get back together.  There are also fun and interesting secondary characters in this story which add another element to the story.  Vaughan comes from a large close knit family and he loves them all, even though there are times they drive him crazy. Perfect! 
This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.