A review by dorritx
Are Men Obsolete?: The Munk Debate on Gender by Maureen Dowd, Caitlin Moran, Hanna Rosin, Camille Paglia


This was a big fat disappointment!! The debaters were not really debating the point in question- Camille Paglia was stubbornly fixated on how we don't value manual labor anymore (which acc to her is intrinsically male) (whose side you on Camille??), Maureen Dowd mentioned Ted Cruz one time too many and Caitlin Moran didn't like the question. Hanna Rosin seemed to be the only one who actually debating the thing but even her argument didn't reach into the depths and answer whether the structures our world functions on (build by men, for men) are being eroded or molded or what! That left out families, politics, sex, gender, masculinity and femininity and oh, about everything else too. 
Some fault, it seems to me, lies in the phrasing of the debate question. Maybe if the debate was titled, 'Are women winning?', they would have concentrated on how well women are doing, and not whether men going obsolete is a good thing or not. It's too bad de Beauvoir is dead, because she would have been so so good in this debate. There's this 1967 video (on yt) in which she says that things are worse for women more than they had been when she wrote The Second Sex (49). What would she have to say for today?? Have (some) women achieved subject status or have men just been bought into object status along with women? So much to be said!! And this 1 and a half hour debate didn't even tap on it. 
Lastly: a big boo to the men in the YouTube chat (there were ONLY men) who truly deserve to be obsolete, why did the sponsors of the debate look so sleepy and washed out?, the panelist was also kinda off, the after debate interviews were better and should have been longer (as should have the debate).