A review by _jenny_k_
The Sinner by Shantel Tessier

Did not finish book. Stopped at 34%.
He literally rapes and assaults her. Like, I like DARK books - I love the "possessive tabboo kinky" type. But in the "feminist hot guy way, not in the he genuinely doesn't respect her and her autonomy over her own body" way. 
And the whole giving the girl a background of trauma and rape thing really is just another big no no in muddying the waters of the plot and consent. 
Plus, it wasn't a convincing chemistry between the two of them for me like they never have any actual conversations of substance that suggest they even actually like each other. 
I'm really not trying to yuck other people's yums but the way this book is being passed of as a dark romance is worrying - it's a story about abuse, trauma and rape and for that reason I had to DNF

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