A review by zoealyce
Grimspace by Ann Aguirre


So may I just say that this is the first time I've really ventured into sci-fi. I downloaded this book far too excited for the premise, and as you can see that I read this whole book in a mere 4 days; the premise was good.

In fact, I loved this much more than I'd like to admit! That geeky little part of me that has emerged is doing fist pumps as we speak!

I have to admit a couple of things that annoyed me though - Thus the not quite 5 star rating.

Firstly I found the first couple of chapters quite clunky, and I didn't really understand what was going on. It wasn't until chapter 5-6 that I stopped feeling dumb and realised that we weren't meant to know the full story just yet.

Secondly, to begin with I really struggled putting faces to the names of each character. I haven't decided if that has to do with my goldfish brain memory.. Or if the characters where simply all introduced all together and with little description.. Either way it's confusing and annoying.

And lastly but definitely not least is holy crap; how many God damned times do I need to read "oh Mary" is one book!? Use a real curse word! Even the word "shit" would read better 4 times on a page than "oh Mary" or "dear Mary" or just plain friggen "Mary"! Argh! Jax is 33, I'm sure she won't get a smack for letting the f-bomb slip!!!

Anyway.. I'm more than half way through book 2 and bless Mary the whole Mary swearing has been culled! Thank Mary for that! - see how damn ridiculous that reads!?

Pain in the arse phrases aside, I truly enjoyed this book... In fact I fell in love with this book! Jax is such a kick arse, and I really identify with her stubbornness.

We don't even need to mention March or I'll be typing all night *gushes*

"So would I recommend this?" You find yourself asking..

Yes! Yes you should! Jax is awesome, March is sexy and all other characters are interesting and unique.
The plot is well planned out, and the story progresses at a steady pace. The writing improves as the plot unravels, and you'll be left wanting more!

4 out of 5 fragging stars!!!