A review by emitchellwrites
Born of Treasure by Jordan Elizabeth


Now here we go: (my review will be shorter this time because of life, but I promise, I’ll tell you what you need to know)

I really enjoyed her visuals, the way I could smell, hear, taste, feel everything. As I say in all my reviews of hers: she’s got that down.

This story was book 2 of the Treasure series, and it flowed seamlessly from one to the other. There was just enough recap throughout the book that I never felt lost, but didn’t feel like I was getting a recap at the beginning of a TV show: last week on… So, that was wonderful, and really well done.

I think that there were a few parts that were a little drawn out, unnecessary even. It felt like a few scenes may have been added to make the book longer, or maybe that’s just how I read it.

Another thing I wasn’t a huge fan of was that she seemed to draw from herself. I feel like there were a few scenes from this book that I’d read in Coglings, only with different characters and slightly different results. I know that’s bound to happen, and maybe I only noticed it because I read them so close together, but I’m reviewing this so I’m telling it like I see it.

That all being said, I still enjoyed the hell out of this book. The characters are so alive I feel like I know them. I certainly know what they’d do in certain situations, and that’s always great.

In the end (as I said, short review, and I’m terribly sorry about that, but I wanted to write a longer one, it’s just taken me so long to write this one as it is), I would definitely suggest this book, this series, and this author to anyone who wants a good read and especially anyone who loves steampunk. I can’t wait to read what she’s got next. Seriously, I hope she hurries!