A review by amyiw
A Confidential Problem by KJ Charles


Nice chapter edition for [b:A Seditious Affair|25241403|A Seditious Affair (Society of Gentlemen, #2)|K.J. Charles|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1436568399s/25241403.jpg|44960983]. It is between when Dominic leaves back to the home office and Silas goes to Richard's estates to fix the books. Silas does not know where he stands and we get a little of that but... what it really is, is the formation of the friendship between David Cyprian and Silas. it is fun to see and Cyprian is definitely one of my favorite characters. I kind of wish that I read this right after the book and before [b:A Gentleman's Position|25893424|A Gentleman's Position (Society of Gentlemen, #3)|K.J. Charles|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1444981863s/25893424.jpg|45775597].d

This is not at all a stand alone novelette.