A review by yellow_star
Erratic Facts by Kay Ryan



Basically I love literary poetry but this stinks. 

This is a drudgery of a chapbook. The poems are similar to relatable memes, but they fail at actually being relatable or insightful at all. I'd say they are the shallowest most boring poems I've read, and I used to deal with poems written by children. It has "insightful themes" like: 'inspiration is inspirational, when rocks move it makes me think of feelings moving, have you ever just... trailed off in a tight?' Wow. Much insight. It doesn't sound pretty, it doesn't make you think, and it's not approachable for beginners like "Where The Sidewalk Ends" so I don't see its value for poetry haters or lovers. Why do people call this junk a classic? 

The title is also misleading, only two or so poems are about nature.