A review by crookedtreehouse
Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done? by Harold Schechter, Eric Powell


I was pretty disappointed when I read a recent volume of Goon that wasn't written nor had art by Eric Powell. It felt like a real low point in the series, and I wondered why he had farmed it out to a creative team who, while skilled in their crafts, couldn't capture the magic Powell injects into Goon. Apparently, it was to put out this.

It was worth it.

I did't know anything about Eddie Gein before I picked this up. So don't worry if you don't.

While I have critiqued a few graphic novel biographies as being pretty much illustrated wikipedia entries, this particular book is able to pull off both the feeling of a well-researched graphic novel documentary, and a mostly non-fiction piece that reads like fiction, and looks like art.

You can go elsewhere for reviews that give you a plot synopsis. I'll just say that if you have any interest in real crime and graphc novels, you need to go out and buy this book right now.