A review by kba76
Can't Say it Went to Plan by Gabrielle Tozer


Three girls - Zoe, Samira and Dahlia - all unconnected. Each is set to party with friends for a week once exams have finished, and they find themselves in the same resort.
Each of the girls is dealing with something that’s impacting on them. They are on the cusp of adult life, determined to enjoy this break from expectations. In what can best be described as a parents’ worst nightmare, the girls enjoy a raucous and rather hedonistic few days.
On the very first day each of them had something happen that affected the way they felt about the trip. Amongst the chaos of their holiday of a lifetime all the girls learn a little about themselves and who they want to be.
There was a rather chaotic feel to this. It delivered some important messages but it felt quite disconnected.